Ryobi: Map1mp1 – the Makazole Mapimpi story

Power tools manufacturer Ryobi drove engagement and reach in South Africa with a multichannel campaign based on a feature-length documentary telling the life story of rugby player Makazole Mapimpi.

Opening statement

Ryobi considers itself'People and Power Tools That Won't Quit'.

One Rugby World Cup-winning Springbok epitomises this value proposition and gave us our opportunity, but a 60 second TV commercial was never going to do Makazole Mapimpi's story justice, so we produced a 70 minute, feature-length documentary powered by Ryobi.

Ryobi's Maplmpl documentary secured R3.5m worth of airtime from SuperSport and Showmax (for free); reached 48 million South Africans and generated more than R50m in earned media.

This was Ryobi's most successful PR campaign, and the business results mirrored these metrics - Ryobi's best Financial Year, ever.

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