New demand has spawned a new model, where will Daren's car marketing road lead to?

In the first year after the epidemic, the auto market is facing the challenge of how to connect user content and channels more accurately on the main Internet front. Platforms and customers need to be integrated. In terms of expert marketing methods, content can be presented more three-dimensionally. In the sense of "professional", it also refers more to how to make the content better received, and breaking the circle also brings more possibilities to Auto+.

This article is selected from the topic "Spotlight China Focus: Prevalence of Planting Grass Marketing, Exploring the Influence and Potential of KOL/KOC" , click to go to the topic page, the subsequent releases of this series will continue to focus on this topic, so stay tuned!

In 2023, what is the biggest challenge facing auto companies in marketing?

I believe this is the answer that all car brands and related markets want.

Faced with this question, FAW-Volkswagen Content Marketing Manager Yin Guoquan directly gave his own opinion on the marketing roundtable forum of auto industry experts in...

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