Strategy Toolkit

The seven modules of the Strategy Toolkit will help you develop your skills as a strategic thinker. You can use them in three ways:

  1. Work through the modules as a ‘course’

  2. Support existing training schemes

  3. Refresh your knowledge whenever you need to

Find out more

learning path

  • There are seven modules in the Strategy Toolkit, each reflecting a key knowledge area for strategists.
  • The modules are grouped into three topics: Marketing and Brand Strategy, Consumer Insight and Campaign Development.

Download the User Guide

Marketing and brand strategy

Module 1

1. How marketing works
  • Marketing and value creation
  • Buying patterns and brand growth
  • How advertising works
  • Strategic foundations

module 2

2. The role of the strategist
  • Why are strategists needed?
  • Strategic approaches
  • How is strategy changing?
  • Emerging skillsets
  • Strategy across markets

module 3

3. Analysing the brand
  • What is a brand?
  • Brand positioning
  • Brand architecture
  • Brand identity
  • Assessing brand performance

Consumer insight

module 4

4. Consumer behaviour
  • Decision-making
  • Behavioural economics
  • The role of storytelling
  • Influence through word-of-mouth
  • Loyalty and habit

module 5

5. Generating insight
  • What is ‘insight’?
  • Research techniques
  • Identifying target audiences
  • Understanding core audiences

Campaign development

module 6

6. Building a campaign
  • Defining objectives
  • Writing the creative brief
  • Working with creatives
  • Pre-testing
  • Channel thinking

module 7

7. Evaluating success
  • The basics of effectiveness
  • Short-term versus long-term
  • Modelling and econometrics
  • Making your case


The Strategy Toolkit is designed to develop your skills as a marketing strategist.

We have worked with leading strategists around the world to develop seven different modules, each one focusing on a core knowledge area for a strategic thinker. Each module combines thought leadership, examples, tips and advice, plus video interviews with leading strategists.

There’s also a chance to test your skills, with ‘dummy briefs’.

The Strategy Toolkit was developed in association with The Effectiveness Partnership in 2015, and updated in 2021.

You can use the Strategy Toolkit in three different ways:

1. Work through the modules as a 'course' in strategic thinking;

2. Support existing training schemes within your organisation using the modules and the exercises;

3. Refresh your knowledge around a key strategic skill whenever you need to.

We can also deliver the Toolkit as a bespoke training session to your marketing team, led by our in-house consultants. Check out WARC Academy for more information on our learning programmes.