Hinz&Kunzt: The homeless gallery

Hinz&Kunzt, a street magazine that offers employment and support to homeless and socially marginalised individuals in Hamburg, created The Homeless Gallery to generate attention, a rise in donations, and magazine sales.

Campaign details

Brand: Hinz&Kunzt / Hamburger KunsthalleAgency: Mediaplus GermanyRegion: EMEA



Hinz&Kunzt is a street paper sold in Hamburg, Germany that provides employment and support to homeless and socially marginalized individuals. The magazine was founded in 1993 and has since become an important voice in the fight against homelessness and social exclusion in Germany.

The street magazine offers self-help assistance to people living on the streets. However, declining donations and sales are making this voice in the fight against homelessness quieter. Therefore, for their 30th anniversary, Hinz&Kunzt wanted to launch a special campaign that...

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